Back to School Review

Guess who’s back??? ME!!!!!! I haven’t been able to update since going through some things. A little gem of sunshine for me has been this story. As always … 

Credit goes to Oryu and Lezhin Comics. This is the entire season 1 & 2 + Side story 

*This contains spoilers* 

Back to School is literally about a character’s journey back to school. His name is Chiwoo, when we first meet the character, he trying to get his life back together. He is doing his senior year again, at first, we don’t know why until later in the story. At school, he’s a bit isolated because most other students fear him and has a habit of sleeping in class. The reason he sleeps is because he works nights sometimes.  Chiwoo just wants to finish and graduate so he keeps to himself mostly expect for the class president Kyujin. Kyujin is super friendly and basically nice to everyone. He is often portrayed as a puppy in some drawings. Overall, just adorable. He takes a liking to Chiwoo. He tries to get Chiwoo involved in soccer but ends badly because others are roughing him up. Chiwoo tries to keep his cool because he doesn’t want trouble and just wants to get through the term. He ends up with cuts from the soccer incident and Kyujin helps him with it. This is where Kyujin tells Chiwoo that he wants to be friends with him. Chiwoo has a flashback of a guy he knew who is basically horrible. Since he experienced this other friendship, he wants to remain friendless because of the past. Chiwoo rejects the friendship and Kyujin accepts this. Since Kyujin has a good heart, he can’t let it go and tries to help since Chiwoo has trouble walking. Chiwoo tries to pull away but can’t so he ends up accepting the help. Chiwoo has a habit of appearing hard but really is kind hearted. An example being when he moves Kyujin from the edge of the sidewalk when the bus is coming when they’re walking home.  

The two end up spending more time together from helping Chiwoo on school work then walking to the bus stop. It all goes to shit when the bully from the soccer game and his friend who don’t attend the school are behind Chiwoo and Kyujin. The friend of the bully recognizes Chiwoo and immediately immediately goes to tell Jihyun. This is the guy from Chiwoo’s flashback! I will admit he’s good looking guy, the tattoos, piercings, dark hair… but he’s horrible… remember that! Before he enters the picture, everything is fine and dandy with the two. Chiwoo even got Kyujin snacks as a thank you for helping him out. It’s honestly a cute moment and I live for Kyujin’s friends, they’re funny. Everything goes crashing down when Jihyun shows up at school, he basically starts hugging Chiwoo and tells him how he’s been looking for him. Chiwoo is frozen at first because he’s shock that he found him. There starts to be a scene on school grounds because Chiwoo is trying to get away but Jihyun won’t let him. Kyujin steps in to make him let go. A teacher gets involved but Chiwoo covers for them, telling him that’s his friend. This shocks Kyujin, like he doesn’t believe it. Later Jihyun has Chiwoo cornered, he asked him why didn’t he visit him. We find out that Jihyun was gone for murder but he’s out now. He then confesses to Chiwoo again that he likes him.  


One thing that upsets me is that Jihyun always tries to force himself on Chiwoo. Chiwoo stops him every time and even when he’s trembling, Jihyun just thinks about himself. You can tell he had a negative effect on Chiwoo because when Jihyn forces a kiss with Chiwoo. After he leaves, Chiwoo throws up. It is still unknown to the reader as to why. Chiwoo is uneasy with Jihyun back in his life. It’s made worse when he starts attending the same school. Chiwoo is shocked. There is tension between Jihyun and Kyujin. Kyujin doesn’t like how Jihyun treats Chiwoo.  Jihyun is overall rude to Chiwoo and keeps him isolated from other classmates and Kyujin. Chiwoo lets this happen because he knows Jihyun will get angry and do something violent. It’s the main reason why Chiwoo keeps Kyujin at arm’s length because he doesn’t want him to get hurt. Kyujin still tries to get close to Chiwoo, he gets the chance when they skip school one day. They hang out and watch a movie, overall, just fluff.  They go to an arcade, Chiwoo wins keychains – matching ones!! Another cute moment is when Chiwoo goes to smoke because he doesn’t want to smoke in front of Kyujin since he’s younger. Kyujin finds him, and asked him if he try it. Kyujin basically struggles which makes Chiwoo laugh.   

Kyujin & Chiwoo

Jihyun is suspicious when Chiwoo isn’t at school, he also notices Kyujin is missing too. He confronts Chiwoo but he tells to mind his business. They start their toxic friendship again after there’s an incident at Chiwoo’s. It reveals a lot of their relationship. It starts with Jihyun sexual harasses Chiwoo but only stops when he starts crying. Jihyun feels sorry and tells him he’ll follow his rules. So, it starts again, things are somewhat cordial but anything can set off Jihyun. He also never lets Chiwoo live his life. Some examples are – Chiwoo starts talking to a girl and guess who ruins it… Jihyun! He literally sets it up so Chiwoo finds them and he does because he always meets with Jihyun after soccer. I’m happy Chiwoo speaks out and Jihyun goes through his spiel about how he’ll change. The another one being a soccer player often would walk to practice with Chiwoo. Jihyun finds out who the player is so he breaks his legs. No joke, that’s how crazy he is. If you’re wondering why Jihyun gets away with such things – he’s rich well his family is.  

Anyway, after the hospital visit [of visiting his soccer friend], Chiwoo is reflecting on his relationship with Jihyun, that’s when we see what happen between them. They were drinking with some friends [it seems like Chiwoo wasn’t]. Chiwoo warns Jihyun to not drink but he continues then proceeds to tell Chiwoo that he likes him. Chiwoo doesn’t react because he’s heard this all before. Jihyun gets mad and Chiwoo tells the others to leave since he’s making a scene. After the friends leave, Chiwoo tries to calm him down but Jihyun isn’t having it. He forces himself on Chiwoo, he tries to talk some sense into Jihyun but it doesn’t work. Jihyun continues until Chiwoo hits him across the face, he deserves it though. Just saying. This shocks Jihyun, after getting over the shock, he starts beating Chiwoo. It’s bad and now we can see how mess up their relationship was and still is. We also find out what happen with the murder. Chiwoo leaves after getting beat and Jihyun goes for a smoke. One of Jihyun’s friends runs into which shocks both of them. Jihyun walks to where the friend came from and finds someone unconscious. Jihyun gets the blame when his friends turn on him and since he’s always in trouble, it’s easy to put the blame on him. This also gives us a view into his family, his dad shows at the police station and slaps the shit out of him in front of everybody. He’s only ally is Chiwoo he confirms Jihyun’s story that they were together, it doesn’t help that Chiwoo is in the hospital because of him at that time.  


Going back to present times, Kyujin enters the picture again. He starts acting awkward towards Chiwoo because he has a dream where they’re kissing. Again, I can’t handle how adorable he is. He’s too pure for this world I swear. Chiwoo starts noticing that Kyujin is acting differently and tries to figure out why. He finally calls out Kyujin and his excuse is adorable, he tells Chiwoo that he had dream where he told him not to talk him anymore. After talking it out, things go back to normal for them. An opportunity comes up where the class is trying to score the third highest scores on their exams around the school so Kyujin asks Chiwoo to study with him. He’s a little reluctant but agrees. During studying, Chiwoo is really trying his best while Kyujin can’t stop staring but also working. One day during their studying, Kyujin kisses Chiwoo. Chiwoo is shocked and pushes him away. Kyujin is also shocked that he did that and runs out the classroom. Chiwoo is still dealing with his feelings for Jihyun so he isn’t sure about Kyujin.   

The next day, Kyujin is looking into the classroom, thinking about everything that happen. Jihyun  shows up and asked Kyujin if he’s interested in Chiwoo. Kyujin says he is. Jihyun is shocked at first then warns to stop hanging out with Chiwoo. Kyujin calls him out that he makes Chiwoo uncomfortable. It’s a war of words between them. Jihyun go into the classroom first. Chiwoo is curious on what they were talking about and this makes Jihyun angry. Jihyun threatens him by saying if he doesn’t want to see Kyujin hurt to leave him alone. Chiwoo is conflicted with situation. Kyujin finally comes in the classroom and immediately starts apologizing but Chiwoo tells him not to talk to him. Then season 1 ends…….  

Season 2  

*This contains spoilers* 

  Season 2 starts with a sad Kyujin because Chiwoo is somewhat ignoring him. The exam scores come in and the class did amazing. A reward for the class is class trip since they didn’t take one yet. Chiwoo is doesn’t want to attend but the teacher thinks it’s a good idea for memories. Once Kyujin  hears that he might not going, he doesn’t want to go if he doesn’t go. Chiwoo is debating on trip and talks to his mom about it. Chiwoo’s mom thinks its great idea for him. Chiwoo agrees to go and Kyujin is overjoyed. Sadly, Jihyun goes on trip, there is a funny moment where they both want Chiwoo to sit by them, so he ends up being in the middle. Chiwoo is second guessing his decision because of the two.  

The trip is to a beach town. Chiwoo is mostly keeps to himself because he told Jihyun to leave him alone while Kyujin tries to hang out with him. He’s still awkward after the kiss. Chiwoo doesn’t know how handle both of them because he ends up hurting them either way. He thinks it’s time to make a choice between the two. The reader learns that Chiwoo still doesn’t know if Kyujin likes him because he hasn’t mention it. Read the room Chiwoo lol…They are sharing the room too, well a group of them are but it includes the three. Chiwoo is getting ready for bed and Jihyun wants to sleep him and Kyujin sees it and wants to sleep with him too. Chiwoo finally tells them to cut it out and agrees to share the bed with them but they can’t touch him. Both agree.  Of course, we all know who breaks it – Jihyun, he just hold his hand and touches his face. Kyujin is sad about the whole thing because of how much he likes Chiwoo.  

One night, the class is watching a show. Chiwoo goes outside and Kyujin follows. Chiwoo questions Kyujin to why he’s outside and Kyujin just wants to spend time with him. Chiwoo tries to avoid him and tells him he feels uncomfortable. Kyujin starts crying and tells him not to go also he confess his feelings. Chiwoo is shock at his confession. Kyujin understands he needs to process what he just said but he just wants him to keep him at his side. He also mentions that if he doesn’t want to then he’ll leave him alone. Chiwoo confesses that he is scared because of how Jihyun might react. Kyujin  understands and asked for hug which Chiwoo agrees. Jihyun sees them hugging and ruins it. He literally starts beating Kyujin but he fights back. They go at for some time until some teachers break it up. Kyujin goes to hospital because his nose doesn’t stop bleeding while Jihyun goes back home. Chiwoo stays by Kyujin and at hospital, Kyujin learns about Chiwoo and Jihyun’s history. Meanwhile Jihyun seems to up to something while back at home.  

Chiwoo & Kyujin at school before the drama starts

Jihyun sets up a meeting with Kyujin through the bad kids at school. Chiwoo is suspicious because those kids don’t talk to Kyujin so he finds it odd. Chiwoo asked Kyujin about it and he avoids the conversation. They stop talking because the teacher comes in. After school, Kyujin meets Jihyun. He isn’t alone, the bad kids are there as well. Both Jihyun and Kyujin exchange words. Instead of Jihyun beating him up, the kids are so that way he won’t be expelled from school. It’s three to one. They have a hard time trying to beat him because he’s strong. Meanwhile Chiwoo finds out about the meeting through one of the bad kids who didn’t want to get involved. He rushes over to stop it because it’s the past repeating itself. Chiwoo stops it for a second until one of the bad kids hits Kyujin. Chiwoo again steps in but Jihyun grabs him and pulls him back which causes Chiwoo to fall down the stairs. Everybody stops and Kyujins gets away to go to Chiwoo. Chiwoo ends up in the hospital.  

Chiwoo got arm and leg fractures because of his fall. They are serious because he required surgery. Both Jihyun and Kyujin are waiting at the hospital. Chiwoo’s mom confronts Jihyun asking him if this was another one of his mistakes. His mom drags Jihyun because of everything Chiwoo has been through and tells him to stay away from him. The teacher suggests to both Jihyun and Kyujin to go home because Chiwoo needs to rest. There is a flashback to Chiwoo and Jihyun’s relationship when they were younger. Basically, Jihyun has been a dick since forever, he gets interested in Chiwoo since he isn’t scared of him like the others. I also think Chiwoo felt bad for Jihyun because his dad would hit him and would come to school all messed up. He made an effect to be friendly with Jihyun. Chiwoo is a good kid and tries to keep Jihyun out of trouble. Jihyun would act out so he could have Chiwoo’s attention again. Then it goes back to modern day, Chiwoo’s surgery went great and Jihyun is still waiting in the hospital. Chiwoo allows him in his room. At first there’s silence until Jihyun apologizes and asked for forgiveness, he’s even on his knees. Chiwoo finally speaks and says he won’t be able to forgive him anymore. Jihyun pleads with him but Chiwoo realizes they can never go back to how they once were because of everything that has happened. Chiwoo finally tells Jihyun how he truly feels about everything that has happen and Jihyun finds it hard to face the truth. In his final favor to ask of Jihyun, he wants them to stop being friends.  

After leaving the hospital, Jihyun goes back home. He is then faced with his father, who is upset with the whole drama that has gone on. Jihyun’s dad almost hit him but his brother intervenes, Jihyun finally accepts about studying abroad because he doesn’t want to upset Chiwoo anymore. Kyujin on the other hand has been visiting Chiwoo every day. So, he won’t be alone since his mom works a lot. Chiwoo gets discharged and Jihyun sends a car to take him home. He tells Chiwoo how he’ll be studying abroad and he’ll be waiting if he decides on forgiving him. Kyujin gives him space when Chiwoo is at home and waits for okay from him to visit.  Chiwoo finally gives him the okay but he mentions to invite the others but Kyujin doesn’t. He wants to hang out solo with him and lies that the others couldn’t make it. It’s cute fluff when he’s over. Chiwoo finally goes back to school and the others greet him which makes him happy. This is where they also find out that Kyujin never told them about hanging out at Chiwoo’s. Chiwoo and Kyujin are now super close but he still doesn’t accept Kyujin’s feelings.  

Kyujin asks out Chiwoo daily and he always says no. The reader knows because he’s getting over Jihyun and finally gets rid of things from their relationship. As winter is in full swing, Chiwoo gets a text message from Kyujin inviting him outside. At first, he’s confused as to why since it’s late and also, it’s snowing. Kyujin shows him his ID card and a new look. Chiwoo is confused as to what he’s trying to say. Kyujin shows him that he’s got into college and is adult. So, Chiwoo should have no excuses to keep rejecting. Chiwoo is surprised about his confession, he starts reminiscing about all their interactions and how he’s always been kind and consistent with him. He realizes that he actually made school better for him. The ending has a cute aspect where after reminiscing Chiwoo laughs and Kyujin questions him to why he’s laughing. Chiwoo gives his answer by kissing Kyujin as snow falls all around them. Kyujin is shock and Chiwoo tells him, they should go to school together then it ends.  

Side Story

*This contains spoilers* 

**This story has explicit sex scenes; I won’t be talking about them in this review but I just wanted to let you know in case you read it on your own. ** 

This takes place five years after the main story mention above. Chiwoo and Kyujin are still together, you see their relationship grow like Chiwoo get more comfortable with affection.  Chiwoo is doing community college and works in a café. I thought it was so cute that he works at one, he needed a mellow place. Kyujin is at university and a model. The author doesn’t say but he is in front of the camera and treated like model. So, I’m just supposing. The story is about how their lives are but there is a surprised visitor. 

Chiwoo is closing up the café and Jihyun visits the café. At first, it’s awkward between the two. They catch up about their lives and what they’re up to. Jihyun is working for his dad’s company and is engaged. I was shocked at his engagement because I never saw it coming. Chiwoo is mostly indifferent during their talk. Jihyun goes to leave and Chiwoo goes outside as well. Kyujin sees Jihyun outside with Chiwoo and quickly goes to him. Kyujin was already heading over because they mostly meet up after work and he goes there more quickly because Chiwoo told him to go home so he felt something was wrong. There isn’t a big drama because Chiwoo and Jihyun remain calm while Kyujin does have some choice words to say to Jihyun. Something that gives me life was when Jihyun was leaving, he asks for a hug just as friends. Chiwoo says no because they’re not friends anymore. I was so proud of Chiwoo for that!!!! Chiwoo and Kyujin head back home, Kyujin apologizes for being petty in front of Jihyun. They have a meaningful talk about their relationship. I like how Chiwoo establishes that he loves Kyujin because he’s Kyujin. I think Kyujin needed to hear it. They end up making love and, in the morning, Chiwoo says they should get promise rings. Kyujin is surprised then overjoyed….Then they live happy ever after…. it basically ends like that. Seriously though.  

Me after reading the ending lol

♥Honestly this has been one of my favorite stories because it had a little bit of everything like it had angst, fluff, and overall, a just good story. I really enjoyed all the characters, they all had good moments and some bad ones – Jihyun: I’m talking about you! I obviously like the main ship because they were perfect for one another. I like the build up to that relationship, and how Chiwoo finally got some happiness in his life. I loved the side story; it was nice seeing how they are now. I did want more info on Jihyun’s fiancé because the author doesn’t say anything about it. I know this is bl but I get bi vibes from Jihyun like he’ll love someone who loves him. So, I can see him with a man or woman. You know… maybe that’s just me. Honestly it was cute ending – perfect mix of fluff and smut. I wish someone would make this into a drama because I really see it being one. I would 100% recommend this story and I look forward to the author’s future work.  

Thanks again for reading!!!!  


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