The Perfect Relationship: Part 2 + Ending Review

I haven’t updated in some time, I was off to good start in the beginning but now I’m back to a random schedule where I try to fit in reviews between life and college. I know this haven’t been updated since the blog started but I finally finished it! Sorry for the delay but I was reading other stories and fandom stuff with my shows and artists. So, without further delay here it is ……


*Please read Part 1 before because this is second half and ending! Contains SPOILERS! Credit and rights belong to Akkang and drawings to Sam also Lezhin Comics. *



As we left off, Minjae and Taehyun just got done having sex in an empty classroom and after they were hugging lovingly but they had an audience. It’s Sunho and his bully. Sunho is shocked, I don’t know how long they were there for, but they did see something go down. Sunho tries again to talk to Minjae and he finally agrees to talk with him. They have sit down talk well kind of, Sunho is nervous and tries confessing to being bullied but Minjae shuts him down saying he can’t help because he only has a month left there. Sunho is dumbfounded at this. Sunho’s bully Yoon confronts him, laughing at how Sunho was so sure that Minjae would help him and decides to play along to Yoon’s games. Minjae and Taehyun end up going on a date to the movies after school that day. Hyukjoon ends up staying late at school because he is supervising the students staying late to study. After the movie, Taehyun confronts Minjae again about his feelings and again Minjae only cares about his dad. He receives a text from Sunho during the confrontation, saying to come to the school and meet him at the sport shed if not he’s going to kill himself. Minjae arrived at the sports shed to find Sunho, asking him if he now wants to help while Minjae tries to convince him to leave the school grounds. Yoon and his friends then make their entrance. Sunho wants him to take his place from the bullies so that’s why he asked to meet him there. Minjae doesn’t waste any time to choke Yoon while there’s a flashback of Eunsung being beat up and Minjae outside the building listening. Another reason why I can’t with Minjae, heartless. Then it goes to current times, Minjae is choking Yoon and forces him to tell his friends to leave which they do. Before he lets go of Yoon he tells him “I don’t care what you do to each other, but I’ll come find you if you cause any trouble for my dad.”  Sunho realizes that Minjae came so his dad doesn’t get blamed, and this pissed him off, so he hits Minjae with a bat behind his back. With Minjae hurt, Yoon takes his moment to beat him for choking him. Sunho leaves crying because still no one is there for him.  He runs into Taehyun, who asked if he’s okay but before Sunho can answer, he asked about Minjae. Sunho is shocked then laughs, telling him to look into the sport shed.  Back in sport shed, Minjae is still getting beat while his dad causally watches until Taehyun comes. Taehyun saves Minjae, since Minjae is a daze, he first thinks his dad saved him but realizes it’s Taehyun. He confesses that if he met Taehyun first, he would have fallen in love with him like the way he is with Hyukjoon.  OK I understand that he loves Hyukjoon because he saved him but this line low key grinds my gears because Taehyun has always been there for him. Minjae still treats him like a play date – he gets his needs from him then focuses back to Hyukjoon.


The next day, we find out that Sunho tried to kill himself. There is staff meeting with the teachers, where they’re trying to figure out why and do damage control. Hyukjoon is getting most the blame because he was his homeroom teacher and the one supervising last night. While the headmaster is dragging him, Minjae burst in the room and takes the blame because Sunho did reach out to him but he ignored him. Well he isn’t lying on that, so he takes responsibility on the whole thing. Both Hyukjoon and Taehyun are shocked. Hyukjoon then talks to Minjae saying that this could ruin his teaching chances and Minjae says he was more worried about him because he’s been teaching for years. Minjae makes plans to visit Sunho that day after school. Hyukjoon sees this as a chance to get more on Taehyun, because he thinks that he’s an important person in Minjae’s life. He invites Taehyun out for food. At the hospital, Minjae visits Sunho and talks about how the school is going crazy because of what he did. Sunho then cuts him off by asking “shouldn’t you ask if I’m okay first?”.  Sunho then politely asked him to leave which gives Minjae pause then starts saying to be sure to say that it was his fault or it’s his fault that he tried to kill himself. Honestly, I just wanted to jump into the story and slap Minjae, but I digress. Sunho then yells at him to leave which serves him right. As Minjae is leaving, he hears a familiar voice, it’s the headmistress! He waits until she leaves, and he confronts Sunho asking him, who is he? And Sunho says “It’s about time you remembered”.  He reminds Minjae that he saved him from her back when they were younger. Minjae admits he does remember now but wishes not to remember because he’s happy in his life. Sunho tells how the headmistress or director (they also call her that) started molesting him after Minjae left. Minjae the asshole he is, says so what which surprised Sunho. Minjae is about to leave until Sunho stops him, he says he will go along with the school having nothing to do with his suicide attempt, but he has to listen to what he has to say.

Taehyun (He’s more detailed than this but I think he looks adorable here)

Hyukjoon and Taehyun share some food together and he learns about Taehyun’s relationship with Minjae. After some food, Hyukjoon invites him for some tea to wait for Minjae, which he clearly takes the chance. He even checks out Minjae’s room and finds a album meanwhile Hyukjoon is putting a powder into this tea.  Taehyun asks for permission to look at the album and Hyukjoon agrees but adds there won’t be much there. As Taehyun is looking through it, he’s surprised there’s no baby photos, so he doesn’t know Minjae is adopted or his past. In the album, there were photos of Hyukjoon just doing daily things like drinking coffee or washing the dishes. Creepy…. Minjae…I mean how sneaky of him to take those. Hyukjoon is in disbelief. Taehyun quickly shuts the album and awkwardly drinks his tea. Taehyun falls asleep because of the tea, Hyukjoon is thinking about killing Taehyun so Minjae could feel what he felt when his son died. He stops from strangling him because the album falls and opens to the pictures Minjae took of him. In the bottom of the photos, Minjae wrote his feelings.  Minjae comes home, feeling some type of way because of Sunho told him, which was that he’s been living with Eunsung’s dad. Minjae was in denial and asked how he knew, Sunho knew because the headmistress told him. Minjae starts overthinking his whole life with Hyukjoon but is brought back to reality by Hyunkjoon asking for help to move Taehyun. Since Taehyun is passed out and taking over Minjae’s bed, Hyukjoon suggested for Minjae to sleep with him. Minjae is nervous and thinking over what Sunho told him.  Hyukjoon goes to sleep and Minjae because he’s sharing the same bed with his dad, can’t sleep.  Minjae has this little fantasy daydream (he’s not sleeping so it’s not really a dream) that Hyukjoon is touching him. At first when I was reading this, I lost it because I never thought it happened in reality and wondered if Hyukjoon would really go that far but it’s not really happening in real life just in Minjae’s mind. In reality, Hyukjoon just has his arm around Minjae or at least that’s how interpret the scene. Minjae does sneak in a kiss because he thinks his dad is sleeping.

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Hyukjoon & Minjae

The next morning, Taehyun wakes up and has breakfast with them. Taehyun has tough time seeing Minaje with his dad because how in love he is with him. As Minjae and his dad are doing the dishes, he accidentally drops a plate and cuts himself when picking up the pieces.  While getting a band-aid for cut, he finds the keys to the study where he isn’t allowed to go into. He takes it. After getting the band-aid, Taehyun helps him with it and they talk about Sunho, and Taehyun realizes he run into him while looking Minjae that day. Since Taehyun actually has a heart, he pays a visit to Sunho. He apologizes to him for ignoring him. He comforts Sunho by being there for him. Meanwhile Minjae and Hyukjoon are hanging out and having beer. Hyukjoon leaves to his room because he’s tired, at this time Minjae goes to explore the study. Inside the study, everything looks normal, but he finds a box filled with items and photos of Eunsung. It flashbacks to when Minjae was in school with Eunsung. We finally learn about Eunsung, he was nice and popular kid at school also naïve. We also get info on Minjae, like why he ended up in orphanage, his dad abused his mother and him.  Minjae’s mom ran way but left him at orphanage. Since Minjae was jealous of Eunsung because of his life also how he never experiences any hardships, so he decided to teach him a lesson. Minjae basically starts shit with class bullies saying Eunsung doesn’t like them and he told everyone else about P.E. being in the gym but them. Eunsung is bullied by the bullies by writing on his desk, rude things also his so-called friends don’t want to hang out with him so now he’s a loner. One day, when they are done beating him, Minjae goes into the shed and thinks he learned his lesson. He also mentions how now he is the same as him.  Eunsung thinks Minjae came because he’s worried and that’s when Minjae realizes they’re not alike. One of bullies was smoking and discard his cigarette bud and suddenly the shed catches on fire.  Eunsung asked Minjae for help since his leg hurts but instead Minjae pushes him down and leaves him there. So, I take it as he died from the fire or smoke inhalation.

Hyukjoon discovers Minjae in the study. Minjae then proceeds to ask to if he’s really Eunsung’s dad which he confirms. He then asked why he raised him and that you could’ve just killed him off. Hyukjoon admits he did want to kill him but didn’t because of Minjae’s past. Hyukjoon tells Minjae to leave because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he stays. Minjae expresses he can’t live without him and he’ll spend the rest of his life asking for his forgiveness. Hyukjoon throws me through a loop when he kisses Minjae which shocked him and myself. They continue making out then move to the bed, ok I high key cringed during these moments because of the whole dad thing (like him raising Minjae – I’m aware of the dad kink but this is another level) also he killed your son…you know…. anyhow …During Taehyun is trying to reach Minjae because he knows about the whole thing because Sunho told him.  So, they end up having sex, we all need to do some hail marys or something. In the morning, they decide to do picnic because it’s something Minjae always wanted to do. He’s on cloud 9 because he’s with his dad in all aspects. They head out to find Taehyun outside and confront them with info he learned from Sunho. Hyukjoon doesn’t deny it and tells Minjae to make his decision clear to Taehyun. Minjae tells Taehyun, he isn’t enough and he’s focusing on his dad’s love for now. He adds that he’s the kindest and decent person he’s ever met, way to put salt in the wound Minjae. Something I will say, Minjae does know when he’s selfish like moments like this and admits it but still… I think he’s a dick.

Picnic time

At the picnic, Minjae is living his best life and the readers know that Hyukjoon is planning something, he mentions that now he’s all that Minjae has. Later back at the house, Minjae is awaking up from bad dream and his dad is right by his side to comfort him. Hyukjoon suggest skipping school because he wants to spend time with Minjae without anyone interrupting them. Minjae obviously agrees. Taehyun arrives at school and asked about Minjae, another teacher mentions he didn’t come in and either did Hyukjoon. While at home, Minjae asked Hyukjoon if he remembers when they first met. Minjae still remembers the warmth he felt when Hyukjoon  told him, he was amazing because he dealt with all those hardships. Minjae also tells him that he’s the only thing important to him and he would do anything for him. Hyukjoon then asked him if he wants tea, he agrees. As Hyukjoon is in the kitchen, he asked Minjae if he’s happy and he replies “yeah. I’m happy.” Then it flashbacks to a phone call with Soo-ah, Hyukjoon says to her “as Eunsun’s father I hated him… as a teacher I pitied the sad life he led and as his father, I loved him.” I think maybe Hyukjoon did end liking Minjae if maybe a little, I mean he raised for a good portion of his life. Flashback to current time – Hyukjoon walks back to the living room with a knife. Minjae is nervous and asked, “you can’t forgive me, can you?”  Hyukjoon admits he still has anger towards him. Minjae then tells Hyukjoon that he’s fine with everything as long if he feels better. Honestly Minjae’s unconditional love for him is so strong but then again if someone saved me from his conditions, I would be grateful too.


*OK here is the ending – you’ve been warned!



Back to the main story – Hyukjoon then stabs himself, Minjae is in disbelief asking why and it should have been him. Hyukjoon responds to him by saying this way would have caused him the most despair.  Minjae tries to call 911 but Hyukjoon stops him and repeats the words Minjae told him “You’d do anything for me.” So Minjae watches Hyukjoon slowly bleed out, as he does this Hyukjoon says “watch me closely…now…you’ll know the pain of losing what you hold dear.” Minjae is crying his heart out because he was his everything and his whole world. Taehyun and the police arrived, Minjae tries to go to open the door, and again is stopped. Hyukjoon while holding Minjae’s hand to the knife says he never loved him and that it’s his turn to live in despair. He also asked of Minjae to live, not die. He pulls out the knife and slowly dies while Minjae is holding him. Eventually Taehyun and police get in when Minjae tries to kill himself but Taehyun stops him. Minjae confesses to the police that he killed his father. Then it ENDS.


I was shocked at the ending because I never suspected that Hyukjoon would die, I pictured him murdering Minjae. So, I did love the twist in the end because I never saw it coming. Even in the end, he wanted to please Hyukjoon. I low-key wanted a side-story to see if Minjae goes to prison, did Taehyun become a teacher and how is he coping without Minjae, also how is Sunho …like is he living a better life or still in the hellhole. At the same time, I like the ending because it makes you wonder, I hope Akkang writes more stories because they’re amazing! I would highly recommend this story. 


*if you made it this far – Thank you for reading my review!! I know this is my most read review so thanks for the love  

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