Loverboy Season 1 finale + Sidestories Review

This is the second part of the first season of Loverboy and its side stories. Please read part 1 first!

Again, this contains spoilers. Credit goes to Lenzin Comics and Zec.

After Jaeha arrives back to his place when we find he received a invitation to his mom’s wedding. So Eunho and Jaeha are still together, they are also getting more involved in each other’s lives than before. Jaeha attends his mom’s wedding solo and only stays a little bit. It seems like his relationship with his mom is strained because of how quick he left. He later goes to meet Eunho at his school’s festival.  They hang out for a while, cue Hoody’s sunshine! 😍 Eunho has to work at a café at festival so he leaves Jaeha with his two best friends. While hanging out with them, his friends asked Jaeha, is Eunho any good at art. This makes Jaeha laugh because Eunho still hasn’t improve in drawing. Since finding out Eunho isn’t great at it, they wonder why he still goes. Jaeha tells them, he wants to draw the person he loves. This shocks Eunho’s friends, they can’t believe he still isn’t over his crush. They tell Jaeha how Eunho has been in love with his older woman, but she doesn’t want to commit. They’re talking about Jaeha, I take this as maybe Eunho hasn’t come out because they’re referring to his mystery love as a woman. They even talk about how he dated someone who looks her aka Jaeha. Eunho joins them again and they go their separate ways with his friends. At the house they make love and Jaeha confesses to Eunho that he likes him. Eunho is shock because he has been waiting forever, basically his whole life (well most of it). Jaeha confirms it again to Eunho while back at the festival when they were listening to music. Eunho cries of happiness because he thinks he’s going to marry Jaeha. If you remember Eunho made a bet with Jaeha, that if he finally likes him back, they can get married. I don’t think Jaeha takes this serious now even back then.

Eunho & Jaeha💖

We later find out more about Hyesun and Jaeha’s relationship. They meet in class, a relationship class or something in that matter. They become close because of pairing. Jaeha is struggling with what to draw for his project and Hyesun says “what about me.” He ends up drawing her, they eventually fall in love and of course get married. This comes up when Jaeha and Eunho are fixing and getting rid of some Jaeha’s old artwork. This prompts Eunho to ask Jaeha to draw him one day. Jaeha agrees that he will. They move to Jaeha’s office, Eunho finds the book that Hanjun gave him, in it has a photo of the Eiffel tower, saying something like you always wanted to go there.  Eunho that confronts Jaeha about this, Jaeha tries to calm Eunho, thinking he might be jealous. Eunho isn’t mad at him but is upset that Jaeha never really takes anyone’s feelings into consideration. He never thinks about that and tries to make decisions on the other’s behalf. This really hits hard to Jaeha because he starts to think about his past relationships. He visits Hanjun to apologize for treating him like drive by. Hanjun is shocked at how Jaeha is changing and asked what makes Eunho different. He says he just likes him and drives off. He goes to Eunho’s college to surprise him, he waits in the café. Meanwhile Eunho is with his friends working on their school work. One of his friends goes to go get coffee, while Eunho and his other stay behind. I don’t remember their names for the life of me…. Sorry… that’s why they’re staying nameless lol.  Eunho’s friend spots Jaeha in café and behind him is the look alike who Eunho dated. This is when he realizes that Eunho has been in love with Jaeha. He says Hi to both Jaeha and Eunho’s ex. Eunho comes down and surprised to see Jaeha and a little embarrassed because of his appearance since he’s been studying. Eunho and Jaeha talk over lunch. Eunho doesn’t go back to class because they fuck in the car then go home for more. Eunho’s mom and sister makes a visit the next day, Jaeha doesn’t really want to stay but is convinced to stay. Eunho’s mom is super nice and sister stays quiet most of the time. Eunho’s mom is happy that Jaeha is doing well. Jaeha offers them a ride home so they take him up on that offer. While in the car, Eunho’s mom forgets an something so she goes back so it’s just Eunho’s sister and Jaeha. He tries to make friendly conversation. She brings up if he knows that Eunho was in love for so long, talking how much he went through back in the day. This is hard for Jaeha because he never knew.

Jaeha was talking to Eunho over the phone.

Jaeha then goes home feeling some type of way. He thinks over everything and wonders why he deserve someone like Eunho who loves him unconditionally. I understand what he was feeling because I do the same damn thing in my relationships. Like I don’t deserve someone like this and overthink everything. Basically, ruining it before it ruins me, I think Jaeha is similar in that way because of his past. Eunho reassures Jaeha that he loves him and will always be there. Jaeha gets the idea to travel somewhere together. They go JUJU island and of course Eunho is excited. He even packs a ring, so he can propose while on vacation. Everything goes dandy in the first couple days, they spend time together just being in love and doing what couples do. Then everything goes to shit when Jaeha ask for charger so Eunho says “check in my bag”. Jaeha finds the ring but doesn’t say anything. It isn’t until the day before they leave that he breaks up with him. OK this pissed me off because I don’t understand why Jaeha didn’t say he wasn’t ready for that step. Like who breaks up with someone on vacation, I understand maybe Jaeha thought this was best for them. But on vacation!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like that infamous Tyra moment where she’s yelling at the contestant – “We’re all rooting for you” lol but honestly, he was becoming a better person. Eunho is devastated and in denial. He avoids Jaeha, but I mean can you blame him. Jaeha is also sad but thinks it’s best this way. Eunho returns to the atelier to confront Jaeha, saying he’s just running from the relationship, Jaeha stands firm on his decision. To put salt into the wound, he gives Eunho a painting of himself that he did. *insert eyeroll* I sometimes can’t with him. He knows how much Eunho loves him and still pulls shit like this.

Eunho obviously doesn’t accept it. They stay broken up and are both shattered because of the end of their relationship. Eunho plans to enter into the military and Jaeha puts up his atelier for sale. That’s how the season ends.


I needed someone to play “when the party’s over” – Billie Eilish because that’s the anthem for season one and how I feel after it. 😔


Me after reading the season 1 finale

As for the side stories, it’s background on Jaeha. After reading them, you see all the hardship Jaeha endured, so you see why he is the way he is. His first relationship with a man is with his professor who is a jerk. He treats Jaeha like a drive by also he films him when they’re having sex. He tosses Jaeha out like he’s nothing. He even threatens to release the video, so he doesn’t come back. Jaeha end up at a gay bar where he meets Hanjun, he dismisses him at first then ends up drinking too much. He’s a lightweight when it comes to drinking so really not a good combo. Hanjun takes him to home and takes care him. Jaeha just assumes he only wants sex so he’s rude to Hanjun . Hanjun explains he was just trying to help, Jaeha cuts him some slack and they move towards a friend with benefits. He was also there for Jaeha when his dad hits him for being gay. This is how they become close. We also found out more Hyesun and how they fell in love, basically like I said towards the beginning of this.  It also goes into how it stops. One day, she confronts Jaeha with a photo of the professor and him kissing. Jaeha doesn’t say anything. I don’t understand why he doesn’t at least to try to explain. She doesn’t seem unreasonable. Jaeha also goes into why he treats Eunho, the way he does was because he doesn’t want him to go through all the bullshit he went through. I can understand where Jaeha is coming from but it’s not really his decision to make. Overall, I’m happy the author includes this because it really brings the whole story together. I would highly recommend this story, it’s a special love story with up and downs of reality. So be sure to check it out! Thanks for reading!


*I’ve already started season 2 but I’m thinking of making it a whole review instead of two parts so you can read it in one sitting. Thanks again!





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