Introvert sees: DPR live

*I was going to add a video I took but I would have to upgrade and I can’t currently because I’m hoping my metal babies will tour near me. Another fangirl problem is I wanted to buy some of DPR’s merch since he didn’t sell any on site 😦 I might create a gram so I can at least post the video. *

I recently saw DPR Live last Monday (Oct. 1)  in Seattle, but I haven’t posted anything because I had to do hw. I’ve been a fan since the beginning so seeing him tour in America for the first time was a must. I got a VIP ticket – Thanks Dad! So, I had to travel to Seattle, it only took about a couple hours by car. Luckily, there wasn’t a lot of traffic since I left super early in the morning. So, I’m going to break this down to venue and experience.

Venue – The Neptune theater, this was my first time going to a concert there. Overall decent place, it’s Neptune and under water theme. There’re two levels, one near the stage which for this show was standing with some seating by the bar. Upstairs is where they have seats. The sound was good and clear so no complaints. I was near the side of the right side (around third row) and you can see everything on stage.  I think it’s a great intimate venue. The only downside is it’s in a university district area, so parking will be tough, so I would highly recommend taking a ride share app there. I didn’t really explore too much because I mostly just waited in line but near the venue was a book store and coffee shop so kinda of perfect options for waiting in line.

tumblr_p2w7e1JvJK1up45yyo5_r1_500Experience – I got a VIP ticket so that included entering early to the show, meeting and taking a photo with Live, you also got a Q&A with all the members of DPR Live. When checking in to VIP, you have the option to write a question and then they pick a couple to answer during Q&A. First, you’re lined up to meet and get your photo with Live, it’s in groups of six. I was solo (I know forever alone), so I was paired with random people, so it makes six. Before meeting him, you leave items like bags, jackets (well I did because I dressed cute you know) and other things. There’s also a table to leave gifts. Then you meet him, I got a hug and stood next to him on his left. He’s honestly so sweet and its very surreal moment that it’s almost like a blur. After you go near the stage and wait until everyone is done meeting and photos. Then it was Q&A, there was some serious and random questions. They were very interactive and always look around the room. It felt like you were just hanging out with them, also the fact Cream likes cats made a fellow cat lady happy :).  After Q&A, they went to get ready and of course let the other people in. Show was AMAZING, I love all his songs, so it was pure bliss listening to all of my favorite songs live and the crowd singing along was everything. Thirst is probably hands down my favorite so hearing it was straight up happiness. I was shocked he did movie shoot because I wasn’t expecting it but I’m not complaining – I adore that song, I love his verse also the chorus, I’m sorry but I love when Loco says, “My life is like movie shoot – Roll it”. I wish I could have gone to more shows, but I hope he comes back. I would highly recommend seeing him live and check out his music because it’s truly art.

DPR WE GANG GANG …. sorry I had to lol

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I mostly took video so this is a screenshot from one.

**If you’re in Seattle, I would also recommend Le Panier in Pike Place market – amazing bread and sandwiches! It’s a French bakery. So yummy, prefect for breakfast or lunch.

***I won’t be posting my meet and greet photo because I’m a potato lol

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